Thursday, March 4, 2010


All these days we hear about how we humans are killing planet earth by elimination of CO2 & other toxic gasses.But has any one ever tried to get control over this situation??? Experts estimate its not long for Himalayas to dry out in next two decades.Consequences - A huge percentage of us have to bear famine....The question is not how much will survive...The question is HOW LONG will the SURVIVORS SURVIVE??? I feel this is the last stage & if we don't do something even now, it wont be long when Earth could be just a part of History!!!
People say the biggest threat to our planet is from terrorism. Here's a simple calculation.Can you imagine percentage of people causing terrorism throughout the world??? 0.00001%, 0.0001 % , 0.001% or if at maximum .01% which means one in every ten thousand, sounds ridiculous. But still consider 0.01%. The terrorist activities takes place five to ten times a year throughout the world.Now imagine more than 90% of the world's population contributing to Global Warming 365 days an year, 24 Hrs a day...I dont think you'll take much time in deciding which will put an end to world first...
I don't think today anyone of us is unaware of the repercussion of global warming. Tsunami killing more than two hundred fifty thousand people, most destructive earthquakes, floods & famine in various parts of the world, ice melting in polar caps & the list is endless & harrowing...
A big part of global warming is caused by toxic gases through heavy transportation we use daily,wastage of electricity & water. At least we can reduce this much.We need to live life in a smarter & environment friendly way if we need to live.Please avoid wastage of resources, use renewable resources to maximum extent you can and recycle & Most important Spread Awareness & Convince others.....Remember We all can contribute

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